Transaction details.
name | data type | constraints | description |
transactionId | string | This identification is given by the attribute transactionId of the corresponding entry of a transaction list. | |
entryReference | string | max size: 35, min size: 0 | Is the identification of the transaction as used e.g. for reference for deltafunction on application level. The same identification as for example used within camt.05x messages. |
endToEndId | string | max size: 35, min size: 0 | Unique end to end identity. |
mandateId | string | max size: 35, min size: 0 | Identification of Mandates, e.g. a SEPA Mandate ID. |
checkId | string | max size: 35, min size: 0 | Identification of a Cheque. |
creditorId | string | max size: 35, min size: 0 | Identification of Creditors, e.g. a SEPA Creditor ID. |
bookingDate | string | The date when an entry is posted to an account on the ASPSPs books. | |
valueDate | string | The Date at which assets become available to the account owner in case of a credit. | |
transactionAmount | Amount | required | Get transactionAmount |
currencyExchange | array of ReportExchangeRate | Array of exchange rates. | |
creditorName | string | max size: 70, min size: 0 | Creditor name. |
creditorAccount | AccountReference | Get creditorAccount | |
creditorAgent | string | regex: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} | BICFI |
ultimateCreditor | string | max size: 70, min size: 0 | Ultimate creditor. |
debtorName | string | max size: 70, min size: 0 | Debtor name. |
debtorAccount | AccountReference | Get debtorAccount | |
debtorAgent | string | regex: [A-Z]{6,6}[A-Z2-9][A-NP-Z0-9]([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1} | BICFI |
ultimateDebtor | string | max size: 70, min size: 0 | Ultimate debtor. |
remittanceInformationUnstructured | string | max size: 140, min size: 0 | Unstructured remittance information. |
remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray | array of string | Array of unstructured remittance information. | |
remittanceInformationStructured | RemittanceInformationStructured | Get remittanceInformationStructured | |
remittanceInformationStructuredArray | array of RemittanceInformationStructured | Array of structured remittance information. | |
additionalInformation | string | max size: 500, min size: 0 | Might be used by the ASPSP to transport additional transaction related information to the PSU |
additionalInformationStructured | AdditionalInformationStructured | Get additionalInformationStructured | |
purposeCode | PurposeCode | Get purposeCode | |
bankTransactionCode | string | Bank transaction code as used by the ASPSP and using the sub elements of this structured code defined by ISO 20022. This code type is concatenating the three ISO20022 Codes * Domain Code, * Family Code, and * SubFamiliy Code by hyphens, resulting in 'DomainCode'-'FamilyCode'-'SubFamilyCode'. For standing order reports the following codes are applicable: * \"PMNT-ICDT-STDO\" for credit transfers, * \"PMNT-IRCT-STDO\" for instant credit transfers * \"PMNT-ICDT-XBST\" for cross-border credit transfers * \"PMNT-IRCT-XBST\" for cross-border real time credit transfers and * \"PMNT-MCOP-OTHR\" for specific standing orders which have a dynamical amount to move left funds e.g. on month end to a saving account | |
proprietaryBankTransactionCode | string | max size: 35, min size: 0 | Proprietary bank transaction code as used within a community or within an ASPSP e.g. for MT94x based transaction reports. |
balanceAfterTransaction | Balance | Get balanceAfterTransaction | |
_links | map of object | Get links |
{ "transactionId" : "...", "entryReference" : "...", "endToEndId" : "...", "mandateId" : "...", "checkId" : "...", "creditorId" : "...", "bookingDate" : "...", "valueDate" : "...", "transactionAmount" : { "currency" : "...", "amount" : "..." }, "currencyExchange" : [ { "sourceCurrency" : "...", "exchangeRate" : "...", "unitCurrency" : "...", "targetCurrency" : "...", "quotationDate" : "...", "contractIdentification" : "..." }, { "sourceCurrency" : "...", "exchangeRate" : "...", "unitCurrency" : "...", "targetCurrency" : "...", "quotationDate" : "...", "contractIdentification" : "..." } ], "creditorName" : "...", "creditorAccount" : { "iban" : "...", "bban" : "...", "pan" : "...", "maskedPan" : "...", "msisdn" : "...", "currency" : "..." }, "creditorAgent" : "...", "ultimateCreditor" : "...", "debtorName" : "...", "debtorAccount" : { "iban" : "...", "bban" : "...", "pan" : "...", "maskedPan" : "...", "msisdn" : "...", "currency" : "..." }, "debtorAgent" : "...", "ultimateDebtor" : "...", "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...", "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ], "remittanceInformationStructured" : { "reference" : "...", "referenceType" : "...", "referenceIssuer" : "..." }, "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { "reference" : "...", "referenceType" : "...", "referenceIssuer" : "..." }, { "reference" : "...", "referenceType" : "...", "referenceIssuer" : "..." } ], "additionalInformation" : "...", "additionalInformationStructured" : { "standingOrderDetails" : { "startDate" : "...", "frequency" : "QUARTERLY", "endDate" : "...", "executionRule" : "FOLLOWING", "withinAMonthFlag" : true, "monthsOfExecution" : [ "_6", "_2" ], "multiplicator" : 12345, "dayOfExecution" : "_27", "limitAmount" : { } } }, "purposeCode" : "AREN", "bankTransactionCode" : "...", "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...", "balanceAfterTransaction" : { "balanceAmount" : { "currency" : "...", "amount" : "..." }, "balanceType" : "FORWARDAVAILABLE", "creditLimitIncluded" : true, "lastChangeDateTime" : 12345, "referenceDate" : "...", "lastCommittedTransaction" : "..." }, "_links" : { "property1" : { }, "property2" : { } } }