TransactionsResponse200Json Data Type

Body of the JSON response for a successful read transaction list request. This account report contains transactions resulting from the query parameters.

name data type description
account AccountReference Get account
transactions AccountReport Get transactions
balances array of Balance A list of balances regarding this account, e.g. the current balance, the last booked balance. The list might be restricted to the current balance.
_links map of object Get links


  "account" : {
    "iban" : "...",
    "bban" : "...",
    "pan" : "...",
    "maskedPan" : "...",
    "msisdn" : "...",
    "currency" : "..."
  "transactions" : {
    "booked" : [ {
      "transactionId" : "...",
      "entryReference" : "...",
      "endToEndId" : "...",
      "mandateId" : "...",
      "checkId" : "...",
      "creditorId" : "...",
      "bookingDate" : "...",
      "valueDate" : "...",
      "transactionAmount" : { },
      "currencyExchange" : [ { }, { } ],
      "creditorName" : "...",
      "creditorAccount" : { },
      "creditorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateCreditor" : "...",
      "debtorName" : "...",
      "debtorAccount" : { },
      "debtorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateDebtor" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "remittanceInformationStructured" : { },
      "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { }, { } ],
      "additionalInformation" : "...",
      "additionalInformationStructured" : { },
      "purposeCode" : "TAXS",
      "bankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "balanceAfterTransaction" : { },
      "_links" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
    }, {
      "transactionId" : "...",
      "entryReference" : "...",
      "endToEndId" : "...",
      "mandateId" : "...",
      "checkId" : "...",
      "creditorId" : "...",
      "bookingDate" : "...",
      "valueDate" : "...",
      "transactionAmount" : { },
      "currencyExchange" : [ { }, { } ],
      "creditorName" : "...",
      "creditorAccount" : { },
      "creditorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateCreditor" : "...",
      "debtorName" : "...",
      "debtorAccount" : { },
      "debtorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateDebtor" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "remittanceInformationStructured" : { },
      "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { }, { } ],
      "additionalInformation" : "...",
      "additionalInformationStructured" : { },
      "purposeCode" : "LCOL",
      "bankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "balanceAfterTransaction" : { },
      "_links" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
    } ],
    "pending" : [ {
      "transactionId" : "...",
      "entryReference" : "...",
      "endToEndId" : "...",
      "mandateId" : "...",
      "checkId" : "...",
      "creditorId" : "...",
      "bookingDate" : "...",
      "valueDate" : "...",
      "transactionAmount" : { },
      "currencyExchange" : [ { }, { } ],
      "creditorName" : "...",
      "creditorAccount" : { },
      "creditorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateCreditor" : "...",
      "debtorName" : "...",
      "debtorAccount" : { },
      "debtorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateDebtor" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "remittanceInformationStructured" : { },
      "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { }, { } ],
      "additionalInformation" : "...",
      "additionalInformationStructured" : { },
      "purposeCode" : "CFEE",
      "bankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "balanceAfterTransaction" : { },
      "_links" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
    }, {
      "transactionId" : "...",
      "entryReference" : "...",
      "endToEndId" : "...",
      "mandateId" : "...",
      "checkId" : "...",
      "creditorId" : "...",
      "bookingDate" : "...",
      "valueDate" : "...",
      "transactionAmount" : { },
      "currencyExchange" : [ { }, { } ],
      "creditorName" : "...",
      "creditorAccount" : { },
      "creditorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateCreditor" : "...",
      "debtorName" : "...",
      "debtorAccount" : { },
      "debtorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateDebtor" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "remittanceInformationStructured" : { },
      "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { }, { } ],
      "additionalInformation" : "...",
      "additionalInformationStructured" : { },
      "purposeCode" : "FORW",
      "bankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "balanceAfterTransaction" : { },
      "_links" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
    } ],
    "information" : [ {
      "transactionId" : "...",
      "entryReference" : "...",
      "endToEndId" : "...",
      "mandateId" : "...",
      "checkId" : "...",
      "creditorId" : "...",
      "bookingDate" : "...",
      "valueDate" : "...",
      "transactionAmount" : { },
      "currencyExchange" : [ { }, { } ],
      "creditorName" : "...",
      "creditorAccount" : { },
      "creditorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateCreditor" : "...",
      "debtorName" : "...",
      "debtorAccount" : { },
      "debtorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateDebtor" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "remittanceInformationStructured" : { },
      "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { }, { } ],
      "additionalInformation" : "...",
      "additionalInformationStructured" : { },
      "purposeCode" : "CRSP",
      "bankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "balanceAfterTransaction" : { },
      "_links" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
    }, {
      "transactionId" : "...",
      "entryReference" : "...",
      "endToEndId" : "...",
      "mandateId" : "...",
      "checkId" : "...",
      "creditorId" : "...",
      "bookingDate" : "...",
      "valueDate" : "...",
      "transactionAmount" : { },
      "currencyExchange" : [ { }, { } ],
      "creditorName" : "...",
      "creditorAccount" : { },
      "creditorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateCreditor" : "...",
      "debtorName" : "...",
      "debtorAccount" : { },
      "debtorAgent" : "...",
      "ultimateDebtor" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructured" : "...",
      "remittanceInformationUnstructuredArray" : [ "...", "..." ],
      "remittanceInformationStructured" : { },
      "remittanceInformationStructuredArray" : [ { }, { } ],
      "additionalInformation" : "...",
      "additionalInformationStructured" : { },
      "purposeCode" : "SLOA",
      "bankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "proprietaryBankTransactionCode" : "...",
      "balanceAfterTransaction" : { },
      "_links" : {
        "property1" : { },
        "property2" : { }
    } ],
    "_links" : {
      "property1" : { },
      "property2" : { }
  "balances" : [ {
    "balanceAmount" : {
      "currency" : "...",
      "amount" : "..."
    "balanceType" : "EXPECTED",
    "creditLimitIncluded" : true,
    "lastChangeDateTime" : 12345,
    "referenceDate" : "...",
    "lastCommittedTransaction" : "..."
  }, {
    "balanceAmount" : {
      "currency" : "...",
      "amount" : "..."
    "balanceType" : "INTERIMAVAILABLE",
    "creditLimitIncluded" : true,
    "lastChangeDateTime" : 12345,
    "referenceDate" : "...",
    "lastCommittedTransaction" : "..."
  } ],
  "_links" : {
    "property1" : { },
    "property2" : { }